
Waiting List Booking Form

Flexible Dates

* These fields are required

People in your group

Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
Guest 1
First Name*
Last Name*
After completing this form, emails will be sent to everyone in your group to complete their information.

Participant Info

Enter your mobile phone number
Let us know your preference for room type and how many people you would like to book for. We will let you know the availability of your room preference and also the price and method of payment before completing your booking.
If you prefer not to receive discounts or offers, do not check this box
Do you have a special diet or allergies? How severe? Let us know if you carry an epipen.
State here if you have a voucher or have any questions or comments
I accept the terms and conditions. This is an alcohol free, digital device & phone free environment. There is WiFi use if you urgently need it.


If you would like to make a financial donation to support the work that we do, all donations will be used for further development of the new retreat centre.
Please enter your donation amount below